The development of the puppies week 3

The third week is the last week in which Dusza feeds her puppies completely by herself and she can eat for three. The eyes and ears of the puppies have opened and they do find it all quite exciting. The world is gradually expanding for them.  For the time being, they are still willing to be weighed, but soon we pick the moment they are fast asleep and then we take a look to see how much they have grown. They are doing just fine and there is no need to do this each day. The grandchildren enjoy petting and cuddling them.

The development of the puppies week 2

The little ones are developing very fast. Duzsa feeds them very regularly and at the end of week 2 they are all well over the kilogram. They slowly start to walk around and can see already. Soon they start to hear the sounds of their environment and their sense of smell is also very good. As soon as mum enters the whelping box, they start moving and rush towards the milkbar.

The development of the puppies week 1

The first week after birth went very well. The puppies are eating good and are very content. Slowly the pigmentation starts to emerge and they are getting stronger and more mobile. Dusza takes good care of them and is very careful and sweet.

Zibah ontmoet haar kleinkinderen en vindt ze helemaal geweldig.
Pasen met de puppies en Dusza
Een trotse en oh zo lieve mamma
Dutje doen
Het tiental slaapt en drinkt


The birth on the 12th of April

At 3.48 pm the first pup of Dusza was born. In the following hours, a total of 11 puppies were born, 5 males and 5 females.  Unfortunately, one male did not make it. Tired but very happy, she is enjoying her puppies and they are doing well.