
Duch Gor is our first Polish Tatra Sheepdog and he joined us in 2005 at the age of eight weeks. He comes from a litter of four males and was born in Poland. Duch Gor means good spirit, after an old Polish legend. It is said that those travelers who got lost in the mountains were guided to the right track back home by the spirit “Duch Gor”.

 duch en aya

This name fits him like a glove. Right from the start he proved to be a very friendly and loving dog. He gets along well with all the other housemates, including our cat, his son Kochany and granddaughter Zibah.He is very calm in dealing with and doing things his own way. Sometimes he is stubborn and opinionated. Real Tatradog traits are certainly his thing. In time, he has a really macho behavior, but when the ladies come his way, he makes a lot of effort ant throws in all his charm to prey on their love and sympathy.  Meanwhile he is repeatedly father, grandfather and great-grandfather.